Acrylic in Canvas
60 x 36 inches
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Sure, we all have different skin colour, come from different backgrounds and have a range of characteristics and opinions. But, never have I ever been more convinced of how similar we actually are. And this pandemic has been a brilliant reminder of just that.
We all need each other. We need connection. We need community. We need love and to not feel alone. We need touch. We need family and to feel like we are a part of something greater. We are all the same!
I hope that as you stand here looking at pretty art, that it helps you to take a moment to contemplate this. To sit back and truly realize we all want the same things in life regardless of anything else.
My hope is that we take this horrible time in history and not let it go to waste. My hope is that we channel the fear we felt, the frustration we had and the experiences of connection to make the world a better place as a whole. I want to be known as that group in history that changed everything. When we made family the cornerstone of everything we do and took the time to be present with both whom we love and with those we have not yet gotten to know. Where we put down our electronic devices and have regular gatherings in the park, more Zoom calls with grandma and offers to help lend a hand. I want to be a part of that group that finally woke up and realized we needed to change some major things and actually do it! But most importantly, I want to be that group that finally realizes that we are all the same and capable of so much more if we do it together.

There’s nothing like it in the whole world
It’ll make your other walls jealous
It can be shipped to you anywhere in the world (as long as you’re willing to pay for it)